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How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?


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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #330 on: June 20, 2009, 05:56:30 pm »
Hey Pot, what mid-check did you have again on your 2:25 Final chase WR? yoshifan just had a 1:14 and got 2:28!

maybe he will give you some competition :)

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #331 on: June 20, 2009, 08:24:02 pm »
Yeah, I just saw his 2:28, and IIRC, my mid-check time was 1:16.
I've never had a run that felt even close to perfect in this part of the level, and he said himself that the first half was really intense. I got the 1:16 check with a high 0:39 first check, so it would be highly interesting what his first check time was.

Not too sure if he's gonna give me some competition because at least to me it just seems as if he is only improving on his current records. We'll see. I wouldn't be really surprised if he took the record though.

That being said, I haven't heard much of you lately, Paragod. Wassup?

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Offline yoshifan

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #332 on: June 20, 2009, 09:38:56 pm »
Yeah, my goal was to get a nice check-free run, and I think I'll stop here with 2:28.  The video is up now:

I also passed the first check at high 0:39.  The 1:14 second check could still be a bit better, but my second best effort there is 1:18, so I'm very satisfied with that.  I think most of my time lost was at the end: the tube before the rocket was average, and I used the rocket to be safe. (Actually, I haven't gotten any rocket-skipping method to work decently... PoT, how often do you get your ending strategy to work?)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 11:34:22 pm by yoshifan »

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #333 on: June 21, 2009, 07:44:22 am »
Very nice run. I see you use a quite different route than me, which seems to be every slightly faster than mine.
You lost a lot of time in the end. The spring and rocket skip you give you like a 4+ seconds advantage. You really should have use the last check to get a better time in the end. Definitely the best checkpointfree FC run I've seen, by far.

I can get the spring skip down almost every second try, and the rocket spring works decently every 5th time. Though in my 2:25 run, the rocket spring was perfect, I didn't even touch the last tube, so yeah..
Potentially, there's still a lot of time to be saved in this stage.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #334 on: June 21, 2009, 12:29:00 pm »
Hi, long time no see guys, your beginning strategy is great yoshifan, but surely you lost so many seconds on the end, I liked your ending :D I never though it was possible to fall right on the goal rings from there.

Man your Cosmic wall videos are great! That final strategy on the mission 3 was amazing, such a little thing that no one ever noticed xD, and I still don't know how to get out of the ceiling :/

PoT, you have another player on the competition for the final chase record now, keep the great job guys.

See you all soon o/
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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #335 on: June 22, 2009, 06:21:09 pm »
I can see sub 2:20 FC.. as insane as it may be :P Probably won't happen, but who knows if somebody sparks up some competition ;)

Brian, just wanted to say you did a great job on getting into the top 10 overall rankings for SA2B! As well as getting into the 80% red zone overall.  Are you going to go for the championship? you're definitely the time attack champion by far, but doing rings scores and bosses will be tough.

That being said, I haven't heard much of you lately, Paragod. Wassup?

heya fr7...not a whole lot going on, been doing some real life stuff for once, I keep trying to get good at SA2B but I just can't stand the game much anymore, all I do is get frustrated at my stupid mistakes, I think the days of me playing and playing til I get a crazy time are done. At least we got Brian to take my place :P  yes, he will eventually even get Green Hill and City Escape...,well probably...maybe not?..probably...most likely.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 06:27:32 pm by Paragod »

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #336 on: June 22, 2009, 08:15:41 pm »
Yeah, you're not crazy, I can see it too when looking at yoshifan's and my vid. It can even be done with checkpoints, as long as it's the 0:39 or the 1:xx (man, forgot the time I had there <_< - the one where there's a light dash path right after, so by pressing B you don't lose much time at all).

I haven't really followed Brian's progress in SA2, but now that I took a look at his profile, I can only say that he did in fact a great job. He might be much higher if it wasn't for him not having that much time to play due to his work, but it's also good to hear that he manages to do both.

As for you Paragod, I sincerely hope you find your motivation and feel for this game again. I also had that point in my life where I lost pretty much all desire for gaming and just sucked at every game I touched. I don't know how or why that happened, nor how it went away, but I'm glad it did.
Getting frustrated at mistakes is perfectly normal, though if it happens often to me, I just take a break for said game for like a few days/weeks and see how stuff works out when I start to play again.
Also, someone taking City Escape from you? By all damned means, I, for my life, just can't imagine that.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #337 on: June 22, 2009, 09:01:15 pm »
Brian, just wanted to say you did a great job on getting into the top 10 overall rankings for SA2B! As well as getting into the 80% red zone overall.  Are you going to go for the championship? you're definitely the time attack champion by far, but doing rings scores and bosses will be tough.

That being said, I haven't heard much of you lately, Paragod. Wassup?

heya fr7...not a whole lot going on, been doing some real life stuff for once, I keep trying to get good at SA2B but I just can't stand the game much anymore, all I do is get frustrated at my stupid mistakes, I think the days of me playing and playing til I get a crazy time are done. At least we got Brian to take my place :P  yes, he will eventually even get Green Hill and City Escape...,well probably...maybe not?..probably...most likely.

Thanks Paragod :D. Yeah, some rings attacks will be really tough, Sky rail was hell to do xD but I'll do my best to get the most RAs as possible, and I know how to get the CG's mission 5 RA record, but it's with a crazy strategy :). I won't say I'll go for the championship, but I'll get as far as my ability can get me, if I get the championship... great!!!

Don't feel like if your ability has gone, this sometimes happens, when you simply don't stay 1 hour playing something, but you'll get it again later :D, but I don't even think of getting records, they're awesome!!!

I haven't really followed Brian's progress in SA2, but now that I took a look at his profile, I can only say that he did in fact a great job. He might be much higher if it wasn't for him not having that much time to play due to his work, but it's also good to hear that he manages to do both.
Thanks Final, you're an awesome player, you'll get high on the rankings if you want to, your CG mission 1 time is great!!! You'll get a lot of the records of sonic and shadow when you stay playing these stages :D, you're great at finding new strats, and use them xD.

See you guys later o/
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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #338 on: June 25, 2009, 06:57:33 am »
1:45 on CG.. you're getting there!

I really wish I had taped my 1:39, cause I used a new trick which saves about a second which is how I got sub 1:40, plus the run was so nice.. pretty much flawless, but 1:38 could happen with perfection, or maybe even 1:37 if somebody plays the level as much as I played CE. Or maybe Brian will find a new trick and easily get a 1:37 with 1:34 being possible. That is completely probable :P

The new trick I used(you may already do so) is once I spindash-jump-bounce onto the rail at about 26 seconds game time, I jump off the rail and do a bounce ball, and time the homing attack just right and it puts you RIGHT in front of the gravity lever so you can instantly hit B, saving a lot of time compared to how I did it in my 1:41 run.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #339 on: June 25, 2009, 02:52:08 pm »
That's what I do in the m3 video, I though about this when I first saw your 1:41 run, it saves so much time :).

PoT is really loving CG, he'll be the one who will take your record Paragod :D
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Offline SadisticMystic

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #340 on: June 25, 2009, 03:02:40 pm »
I think it's worth looking into Final Rush again, now that it's known possible to get gravity control from any vertical rail frame in the level.

The new location (from the no-A run) starts the huge bounce earlier, and takes it further in. I would imagine it's possible to start the bounce by 12 seconds, which would be on pace for a 1:09 at the blue walkway under the 5-5-10-5-5 boxes. How does this compare to what you're getting normally? Throw in the fact that there was necessarily no A pressing involved in that bounce--where might the optimal location for a homing attack be to potentially make it a timesaver at last?

Even if it only ends up being about 1 second, I'd be very surprised if gravity control bounces fail to cut off any time anywhere in FR.

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #341 on: June 25, 2009, 03:20:09 pm »
Thanks Brian, you're right, I love this stage. Even if it frustrates me a lot because sometimes (very often actually) the tubes that suck you in just take half a second longer. I'm not sure why this happens, it probably depends on you position after you've broken the shield.

About your new "cut" Paragod, I was actually doing that the whole time, but it's really difficult to time it right. And the camera not being the greatest doesn't help it too much.
I've also found a new cut, or at least one you haven't used in your 1:41 run. Pretty difficult to explain, I'll just do a quick vid of it later today.
In my 1:45 run, I did pretty much everything you do in your 1:41 run, so I guess it's all about practice now. I've also found quite a few ways of breaking out of the level, but none of them have been of any use.

SM, to be honest, I can't pull your new trick off. The camera gives me such huge problems that I had to give up after 50 lives have been lost. I'll get into it again later, because there's the possibility of it saving some time. I know the best check time at check 5 is 1:20.1 by Paragod, so a landing at 1:09 would have some impact I would guess. I'll see how fast you can cross the space between your landing point and the 5th check.
--> EDIT: Alright, I tried how fast I can cross the distance between SM's landing point and the 5th check. My fastest time was around 13 seconds, so landing at 1:09 and hitting the check at 1:22 would actually result in a loss of time.

But SM, have you tried using that jump at the other side of the big building that has the invisible wall? You're quite a bit higher now, so you might go over the invisible wall or to the right of it.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 03:34:30 pm by PoT »

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Offline SadisticMystic

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #342 on: June 25, 2009, 04:39:32 pm »
Going around the other side of the tower is still no good from this launching point. Doing it this way has the camera facing the wrong way after a while, so it can be harder to see where you're going, but it also means I get to see the tower behind me as I go by, and see clearly that I'm nowhere close to the bottom at time of death. It's definitely a vertical kill plane at the edge of that magenta zone on the map, and clearly getting there any higher isn't tenable at all, so no worries about me submitting a 1:00 out of nowhere.

On the other hand, I was able to start the bounce at a mid-10, and touch down prior to 1:08. Additionally, with the help of a homing attack I was able to maneuver my landing point to be right smack on the vertical rail at the right end of that platform.

However this works out, it's going to be ridiculously close in time. Imagine if it turns out to be a choice between "56.5 seconds the ridiculously hard way" or "57 seconds the really easy way".

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #343 on: June 25, 2009, 07:58:53 pm »
Well, it wouldn't be too hard of a choice. People who go for a good time take the 57 seconds that are easy, and people who go for the record take the hard way.

I still wasn't able to pull it off, the camera always changes right after my jump or when I'm about to pass the big building...

Also, Paragod, this was the shortcut I meant. From 0:03 on, that jump right to the ring line <_<

Also, o_O @ 2:28 FC5 from yoshi!

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Offline yoshifan

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #344 on: June 26, 2009, 12:14:39 am »
Thanks, I'm very happy with the FC5 time.  I think mission 5 has almost as much potential as mission 1 overall, but some parts are trickier, so it definitely was great to beat my mission 1 time.  As for the m5 run, the part between checks 1 and 2 can be improved, but I had a better ending this time.  I went for the rocket skip because taking the rocket is much slower in mission 5.

Also, good luck with Crazy Gadget, looks like you're getting pretty close there.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 12:21:56 am by yoshifan »

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #345 on: June 26, 2009, 10:57:29 am »
Great work  guys. I really came here to find out about this Glitch or some sort i used to do all the time. I mentioned it in IRC but i didnt get any sort of response. So i used to play city escape alot, especially mission 3, and since the game was a Copy type game, i couldnt get past green forest and get the bounce or the Mystic Melody. So When i was running down the building, i would jump off and push to the right side, and somehow, i would push through the wall and get to the chao. Can anyone explain this?

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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #346 on: June 26, 2009, 12:17:50 pm »
yoshi that new 2:28 was a freaking crazy, awesome, insanely good run. Beating F-Man by 12 seconds and FR7 by 7! and my favorite part, you did it skillfully with no checks! wow! FR7 finally has some FC competition, if he's up to it, since alotta people don't care about mission 5 as much.

you are down to CG 1:43 and falling! keep on going.. the sub 1:40 barrier and my gold trophy are waiting for you!

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #347 on: June 26, 2009, 01:10:23 pm »
True, even though FC5 has quite some differences to m1, none of them really affect the speedrunning too much. I knew my 2:35 wasn't that good, but beating it by 7 seconds sure is a big deal.

Great work  guys. I really came here to find out about this Glitch or some sort i used to do all the time. I mentioned it in IRC but i didnt get any sort of response. So i used to play city escape alot, especially mission 3, and since the game was a Copy type game, i couldnt get past green forest and get the bounce or the Mystic Melody. So When i was running down the building, i would jump off and push to the right side, and somehow, i would push through the wall and get to the chao. Can anyone explain this?
Yeah, I know about that. I haven't been able to pull it off, but apparently the invisible wall to the right of the loop has a small whole where you can fall through. As I said, I wasn't able to do it, maybe because I'm playing the GC version? No idea... But that trick is used for speedrunning m3.

I'll try to see if I can bring CG1 and FC5 lower (I'm sure I can), but I'll really soon (4-5 days) be on a vacation for a month or so, so yeah.. I hope I'll quickly into SA2 again after that month.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #348 on: June 26, 2009, 01:17:09 pm »
it was on the DC and it happened years ago. Im not talking about the trick ON the loop. Im tslking as you FALL DOWN the building, you can skip to the side and hit the chao

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Offline Paused

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #349 on: June 26, 2009, 02:08:25 pm »
Thanks, I'm very happy with the FC5 time.
Just seen this.  Great run.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #350 on: June 26, 2009, 02:27:55 pm »
Excellent run yoshifan :D, I hope you guys get this stage down to sub 2:25.

You'll surpass me in CG soon FR7, but I'll do my best to beat you back :), now you have 2 competitions to win.

Also werey, this glitch you talked about seems great! Maybe it can be used to beat the current record for mission 3, and talking about your copy of SA2, if you put the chars to talk in japanese, you can play the game normally.
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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #351 on: June 26, 2009, 05:44:47 pm »
What do you mean by Normally?

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #352 on: June 26, 2009, 07:48:42 pm »
I mean: like if the game is on it's normal state(no crashing)
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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #353 on: July 24, 2009, 01:57:16 pm »
Tbh, I just couldn't concentrate on Crazy Gadget while still having Final Chase in my mind, so I decided to give it a try today.
I was practicing a bit to get into the level again, and then on life #12 I just had this feeling like THIS was gonna be my run even though I was still on the first rail (xD). And out of nowhere, it happened. No checkpoints, all tubes did a good to perfect job, and the last spring skip also worked quite well.
Checkpoints were: mid 0:40, probably high 1:14 (!). I didn't hit the last check, I jumped right before it.
Who would have thought..? I certainly wouldn't.

Now let's see what I can get out of CC.

On a side note: Getting sub2:00 on m5 CE is really hard for me <_<

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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #354 on: July 25, 2009, 02:53:54 pm »
there's nothing more I can say to congratulate you more than I have in the past, and honestly I don't really need to.. you already know how good you are!

so lets keep it simple.. good job, great record(28 seconds faster than me!)

you are really close to your M1 time, who would of guessed that was possible back when the record gap was 2:31/2:40

you're going to work on cannon's core now? or do you mean CG?

and yeah CE M5 is really hard compared to the first mission, for me sub 1:40 was too hard so I left it alone. read my new M5 comment and you'll see what I mean. Sub 2 is a fine goal there though. Did you notice how many people have 1:55? its kinda odd, so many 1:55's and no 54's or as many 57's and stuff.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #355 on: July 25, 2009, 03:28:10 pm »
Ah, yes, I meant CG obviously.. <_<

Thanks, Paragod! Even though M5 is much harder than M1, the speedrun route hasn't changed by much, and the tubes seem to be a lot more forgiving than in M1...

I'm sure I'll get sub2 soon in M5CE, but I guess I'll have to abuse the last checkpoint there.

I've read your new comment on you time, and 1:42 is almost as amazing as the 1:36 on M1.
I've also recently watched your 1:36 run again and every time I watch it it amazes me more, it's just so damn perfect.
But what am I telling you, you know that already. Nobody's even come close to your time, even though CE has some really good check abuse possibilities.

Btw have you seen Brian's new FRM2 vid? It's really good!
I also need to try myself at M3 and 5 of FR, but I'm not sure if I have enough motivation to drive me.. -__-

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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #356 on: July 25, 2009, 03:48:52 pm »
oh, that sounds more fun cause cannon's core sucks. Go for the great sub 1:40 barrier!

Can you explain what you mean by checkpoint possibilities on CE? As far as I can tell all of them waste time, probably too much to make up for the very few flaws my run had.

I haven't seen Brian's video yet but I saw the time and I would expect nothing less from master Brian. I can see myself getting sub-40(my best time is actually something like 40.0x, never submitted it) but I doubt I could take it all the way down to 39.4 without some new route alterations. I wonder why he hasn't taken metal harbor M2, it should be easy if he can take M3 all the way down to 23.29 with the insane new beginning.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #357 on: July 25, 2009, 04:37:29 pm »
I'm going for the sub1:40 barrier, but I still need to improve a lot.

What I meant with check abuse possibilities is that CE has the first and last check in a place where you, when being restored from a death, only need a sommersault in order to be back on track with full speed seeing as there are speed pads right in front of you. You don't lose nearly as much time as you would if you had to charge a spindash afterwards for example.
And Jawzun, the second best on CE is still 8 seconds (!) away from you, which is quite a lot, especially as SA2 is the most played game here and CE is the most played level.
^That's the vid. Idk why, but for some reason this route seems to be quite easy. I'll be giving it a try later today.

Btw, I just finished school (and that with much better grades than I had expected), and now I've got holidays and then I'll be working for a year. Working = no homework or studying = much more time to play ^_^

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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #358 on: July 26, 2009, 11:01:48 am »
goodluck :) I got mine relatively effortlessly, it just kind of popped up after an hour or so on a great run once I discovered that great time saver I talked about earlier. if you're curious, I would say I spent a grand total of 15-20 hours on crazy gadget (way less than CE..)

well, the first check on CE yeah you can roll and probably only lose about a tenth, but the last check you have to walk for a while before you can roll, so you still lose half a second there. Plus beating my run with checks is stupid, I did my checkpoint-free run on purpose, and therefore took me many restarts. I think anybody that beats me should considerate and skillful enough to do the same, y'know?

Great video, he pretty much used my route(easier than yoshi's) with a slight difference near the beginning.

that is cool to hear that you did exceptionally well, how good of a job are you getting? are you done with school for good or do you still have a year or two to go?

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #359 on: September 14, 2009, 04:11:10 pm »
Ok, so i mentioned this to TSC before and nothing was made of it. I asked PoT if he could experiment and he did. The outcome was great! Going through the second key door in pyramid cave! So this should help the TA of the level if you can perform it in your first or second shot. It can save quite alot of time.

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.


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Hits: 33 | Hits This Month: 2 | DB Calls: 5 | Mem Usage: 1.27 MB | Time: 0.11s | Printable

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